
Year 8 options information evening


Dear Parent / Carer

We would like to invite you to the Year 8 options information evening on Wednesday 18th January, 2017.   The purpose of this evening is:-


  • To share the rationale behind moving to a three year Key Stage 4.
  • To outline how the options process works and to give you an opportunity to ask questions.
  • To give you an opportunity to discuss with subject leaders what each course entails at Key Stage 4.

The evening will begin promptly at 5.00pm with a short presentation outlining the options process.  There will then be an opportunity to discuss the different courses with subject leaders and to ask questions on a one to one basis with myself.  The evening will close at 6.30pm.

Please find enclosed an options form and a course information booklet.  The completed options form needs to be returned by Friday 27th January to your child’s form tutor.
We hope you will be able to attend.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Neil Williams

Deputy Headteacher